• Tips of PDCPD Materials Usage in Summer
    Tips of PDCPD Materials Usage in Summer
    Summer is coming, the ambient temperature is relatively high, mold temperature control and rapid thermal conductivity cooling is the focus and difficult. Many companies use the mold thermostat is a traditional plastic mold thermostat, water storage capacity is very small, it is difficult to form a rapid cooling cooling down of PDCPD products, it is recommended that: 1, the use of replacement of large-scale mold thermostat or connected to the supplemental water tank, in order to improve the cooling efficiency; 2, strict control of the material temperature of 22 ℃ or so; 3, to control the temperature of the mold in the 70 ℃; 4, to reduce the frequency of production. Hope these tips are working for you. Want to know about our PDCPD materials, please click  http:// www.cattelanpdcpd.com    
    - May 30, 2024
  • PDCPD New Material Exhibited at the 2nd China (Anhui) Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Transformation Trade Conference
    PDCPD New Material Exhibited at the 2nd China (Anhui) Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Transformation Trade Conference
    At the Second China (Anhui) Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements Transformation and Trade Conference, PDCPD new materials attracted widespread attention. This material was demonstrated at the conference with its excellent performance and wide range of applications, and became one of the highlights of innovation and scientific and technological achievements.   PDCPD is a new thermoset polymer material known for its excellent chemical resistance, high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. This material has a wide range of applications in several fields, including the automotive industry, electrical equipment, construction and other manufacturing industries. At this conference, the PDCPD new materials booth attracted the attention of many participants. Various innovative products and application cases based on PDCPD were displayed at the booth, demonstrating the diversified applications of this material in different industries. Professionals representing the team introduced the characteristics of PDCPD to visitors, emphasizing its advantages in design flexibility, lightweight and environmental  protection. One participant said: "The display of PDCPD new materials gives people a sense of vitality and innovation brought by new materials. Its broad application prospects and plasticity make us very excited about future technological development." During the exchange with participants, the PDCPD new materials delegation also conducted in-depth cooperation negotiations with a number of companies and research institutions. This marks the further promotion of this material in the market and the expansion of its application prospects. As part of a scientific and technological innovation event, the Second China (Anhui) Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements Transformation and Trading Conference provides aprominent display platform for PDCPD new materials and promotes the development of this material in the fields of scientific and technological innovation and industrial transformation.
    - November 22, 2023
  • PDCPD new materials selected as the first batch of new materials in Anhui Province
    PDCPD new materials selected as the first batch of new materials in Anhui Province
    That's great news! PDCPD (Polydicyclopentadiene) is a thermosetting polymer that offers exceptional mechanical properties and chemical resistance. Being selected as one of the first batch of new materials in Anhui Province indicates its potential a wide range of applications. This recognition suggests that PDCPD has met the criteria set by the authorities in terms of its innovative nature, practicality, and market potential. By promoting its application through the guidance catalog, Anhui Province aims to encourage the adoption of PDCPD in various industries and sectors. PDCPD has found application in industries such as automotive, transportation, construction, and agriculture. Its unique properties, such as high impact strength, dimensional stability, corrosion resistance, and flame retardancy, make it suitable for manufacturing components that require durability and resilience. The inclusion of PDCPD in the guidance catalog is likely to attract attention from businesses, researchers, and manufacturers, triggering further exploration of its applications and development of new products using PDCPD. This, in turn, can contribute to technological advancements, economic growth, and the overall development of Anhui Province. It's an exciting development for the PDCPD industry and a positive step towards promoting the use of innovative materials in Anhui Province.
    - November 22, 2023
  • The application of PDCPD formulations in foreign customers
    The application of PDCPD formulations in foreign customers
    PDCPD (Polydicyclopentadiene) is indeed a material that has shown promise and attractiveness for lightweight automotive bodies. Its unique properties make it suitable for various applications in the automotive industry. PDCPD exhibits excellent strength-to-weight ratio, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, and dimensional stability, making it an appealing choice for automotive manufacturers. In recent years, PDCPD has gained attention and has been showcased at various conferences and exhibitions, including the Third International New Materials Conference. These events provide a platform for manufacturers, researchers, and industry professionals to explore and discuss the latest advancements in materials, including PDCPD. Regarding the application of PDCPD formulations in foreign customers, the use of PDCPD is not limited to a specific region. Since lightweighting has become a global trend in the automotive industry, manufacturers worldwide are exploring materials like PDCPD to reduce the weight of vehicles while maintaining structural integrity and safety standards. Foreign customers, including automobile manufacturers and suppliers, can choose to incorporate PDCPD in their products, especially for components such as body panels, interior trims, underbody shields, and structural reinforcements. PDCPD's versatility allows it to be used in both aesthetic and structural applications, providing opportunities for lightweighting and performance improvements in vehicles. By utilizing PDCPD, foreign customers can benefit from its desirable properties, which include excellent impact absorption, resistance to chemicals and corrosion, and the potential for design flexibility. Additionally, PDCPD offers the advantage of ease of processing, enabling efficient manufacturing and reducing production costs. Overall, PDCPD's unique properties, coupled with its increasing visibility at conferences and exhibitions, make it an attractive material for lightweight automotive bodies not only in domestic markets but also for foreign customers seeking innovative solutions in their respective regions.    
    - November 22, 2023
  • PDCPD Exhibited at the Third International New Materials Conference
    PDCPD Exhibited at the Third International New Materials Conference
    With the successful convening of the Third International New Materials Conference, PDCPD as an incredible new material, has been recognized and valued by the Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, Chery and other car companies in BYD, JAC and other car companies have also acted immediately, it is true, the car changes the life, the material changes the car!  Let us fight with high spirit in the PDCPD industry on the road of sunny splendor!
    - November 22, 2023

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